Employee Spotlight: Get to Know Beth Smith

What is your title and department?

Director of Birth to Three Programs

Ohio’s coaches’ team

What is your favorite Learning Grove core value and why?

Roll up your sleeves

I’ve always prided myself on being a hard worker and a team worker. I believe that hard work always pays off in some way, and that everyone has to be a part of not only the visible, “get yourself noticed” work, but also the behind-the-scenes, I-know-I-did-it-and-that’s-all-that-matters work.

What do you like to do in your spare time? 

In my spare time I like to knit, read, and play games.

What’s your favorite part of your job?

What I most enjoy about my job is that no two days are exactly alike.

What’s the most unique part about working here?

The most unique part about working for Learning Grove is the intention, the reflection, the innovation – We think about things!

How have you grown professionally while on our team?

I have grown professionally in immeasurable ways. I came to CELC not knowing much about children and really knowing nothing about the field of early care and education — planning to stay for a summer. EVERYTHING I have learned has been while working in the field for the past 34 years.

What was your favorite part about being a child? Or favorite childhood memory. 

My favorite part about being a child was the endless hours of free, creative play. As a family there was no tv watching during the day, and play was outside unless the weather was bad — and I grew up on a cul-de-sac where our garage was a hub of neighborhood activity: board games, active play games like tag and kickball, Lego building, etc.

How does the Learning Grove mission connect to your work? 

For the first 17 years of my career, I was on the front lines, so to speak, learning about and creating quality learning experiences that empowered infants and young toddlers, and supporting their families. Now as a professional who “grows” teachers, I serve as a mentor and educator of other adults who develop quality learning experiences which empower children and families.

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